Thursday, September 03, 2009

One More Day Sucked

Yes, I said it, which isn't a shock since most die-hard fans believed the same thing. One More Day sucked. Not only did it suck regular wise, it sucked monkey balls. Lets go over the reasons why...

One - The art was atrocious.

Yeah yeah yeah, Joe Quesada did the art. Yeah yeah yeah, at one time he was considered an awesome artist. So what? Honestly, his artwork was too scratchy, the poses most people made looked absolutely retarded, and lets not even talk about everyone's faces. Every time you see a close up shot of Peter, or Mary, or anyone else, they just looked...horrendous. Like, 'Oh My God why does Peter have two chins??' horrendous.

Two - Peter acted like a selfish brat.

This storyarc was so unlike anything JMS wrote for Amazing Spider-man that I think the editors pretty much penned it and just left his name. Peter acted uncharacteristically selfish, he was willing to do 'anything' to save his aunt. Even if that meant sacrificing his current family. Why? Because he'd feel guilty if she'd die.....and would practically kill himself if she were gone....whine whine whine. He was willing to throw away everything he and Mary Jane did together, just for her to stay alive. Wow......

Three - The marriage ended...

They finally 'put the genie in the bottle' on this one. When you ask Joe Quesadilla why he wanted their marriage to disappear, his answer always was 'you can't write good stories if Peter is married, I remember back in the day when Stan Lee first wrote it and he was a swinging THOSE were the days!'
Seriously, you are that horrible of a creator that you honestly feel that no good stories can be written with Peter being married? 'nuff said....

Four - The marriage was annuled in the worst way...

Hmm....can't have them divorce, that would take away Spidey's innocence....
Hmm....can't kill Mary Jane, we tried that, no one would believe she is gone...
Hmm...OH! I KNOW!! Let's make Peter make a deal with the devil!!!!

Oh oh! Even better! Let's have Peter's aunt May shot! Then, at his 'lowest' with May about to die(even though we spent various other issues showing how she was ready to go and forgave Peter, even TELLING him she forgave him for everything)and Peter feeling so guilty that he would die, lets have Mephisto(codeword: the devil)come in and say, "You give me your marriage, and I make her live again!"


Five - The current stories rely too much on the 'Old Days'

About 70% of all the current storyarcs are boring, dull, and all around a waste of time. They basically have rewinded time and Peter now acts like he did when he was a teenager. How. Mature. Sometimes you'd look at the dialogue and would want to roll your eyes over what Peter does or says. Its as if the writers love the old stories too much, and just want to emulate it thinking everyone else will love it. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. The dialogue is dated, the settings are bland, and so far almost all of the villains they have created are just crap.

Annnnnnnnnd rant off!

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