Saturday, March 13, 2010

Alrighty then...

Well, to make up for not doing reviews Thursday and Friday, I will just do them today and tomorrow.

Anywho, nothing else left to say so I'm just going to get started on them now!

Ultimate X-men Vol 14 - Phoenix?
Yeah, strange title, this is where Robert Kirkman begins his run on the Ultimate X-men series. From what I've read, this is also where the appeal of Ultimate X-men began to dissipate. The problem being, the artwork wasn't anywhere near as good as previously seen, and the writer seems to just jumble up a lot of old X-men stories into one narrative, and it doesn't mesh well.
The first arc deals with Jean's manifestation of the Phoenix force. Previously in Ultimate X-men, it was believed that she doesn't have it, but of course that was a lie to attempt to control her. Now it is coming out in full swing and the entire team has to attempt to reign her in. Its ok stuff, but has no real 'pop' to it, so its boring. The artwork was just fugly too.

Ultimate X-men Vol. 15 - Magical
The ONLY storyline created by Robert Kirkman that wasn't an obvious retelling of a classic X-men story. Just because it was an original storyline doesn't mean its any good, though. The artwork is still just awful. The storyline, which revolves around a mutant who can get anything he desires, is blah as well. There isn't really anything in this book that has any redeeming value.

Ultimate X-men Vol. 16 - Cable
Kirkman's continuation of a mish-mash of classic X-men titles. This one dealing with the time-travelers Cable and Bishop. This time around, Cable has come back in time to kill Professor X, believing it was him that caused all the future problems of the world. Hoo-boy. There is one twist in this book that was actually really interesting, but its revealed in the first issue of the 6 issue arc, which just ruins any of its intrigue. By this point, one gets the feeling that to read Ultimate X-men is to read some weird person's fan-fiction. Artwork still sucks too.

Ultimate X-men Vol. 17 - Sentinels
Ah yes, more mish-mash. This time dealing with newfound sentinels and the morlocks underneath New York. Ugh. I really don't even know why I'm bothering here, it was just a mess. At least Robert Kirkman doesn't write Nightcrawler with that annoying 'German' accent that never works in comics. I.E. 'Vas is dat? Vhat? Etc etc. Art? Don't even bother its dull as well.

Ok, thats it for today, I promise to review some good books tomorrow!

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